The Flex-360 Plant is the most cost-effective way to produce corn ethanol in Brazil, as it produces sugarcane ethanol during the cane harvest, and corn ethanol throughout the year. Costs fall dramatically when you take advantage of the steam and electric power of the cane plant, increasing the project's profitability exponentially. A Flex-360 plant is profitable even in times of spikes in corn price. Piracicaba Engenharia has all the technology to optimize your current sugarcane plant so that it attaches the corn plant, including a turn key option.
The Flex-360 is the most profitable way to produce ethanol, since it generates a large output with lower costs. The main advantages are:
- Ethanol production for approximately 335 days/year.
- Besides ethanol, high-protein cattle food is produced throughout the whole year.
- If the plant is already co-generating, it can do it throughout the whole year, with bigger outputs.
- The plant can be profitable even during corn highest prices.
- It should become the main way for corn ethanol production in the country.