Company History

Certified Company ISO 9001-2008

The Piracicaba Engenharia

Over 1000 engineering projects executed since 1990.

Check the timeline to see how our company became the benchmark on bioenergy technology over the years. By answering all our clients needs we have become the favorite engineering company in Brazil for ethanol producers.



After 17 years working at Dedini S/A Sugar and Ethanol Department, engineer Manoel Lázaro de Almeida founded Piracicaba Engenharia Sucroalcooleira. First, the company name was Etica Engenharia, becoming Piracicaba Engenharia only in 2006.

We doubled our size:

With headquarters twice as big, Piracicaba consolidates itself as the benchmark in ethanol production technology in Brazil, after delivering the project for 20k bags/day Usaçucar sugar factory, located in Umuarama-PR.

Start of corn ethanol production in Brazil

The first corn ethanol plant in Brazil begin its operations with technology fully developed by us. Usimat is not only the pioneer, but the most successful case in corn ethanol production in Brazil.


We delivered the project for the first FULL corn ethanol plant, making corn ethanol a reality in Brazil's midwest region.