A Full Plant is independent, not attached to any other factory. Because it needs biomass for energy production, it has lower financial returns than the Flex and 360 models. Our projects are developed with high technology and automation, requiring few operators and less labor. They generate surplus energy for export, increasing their profitability. Cattle feed production also occurs all year round, however additional investments are required for the concentration of vinasse and the production of cattle food.
With our technology, this plant is the "State of the art" in corn ethanol production. High technology and high yields, among the top of the world.
- Totally independent.
- Ethanol production for approximately 335 days/year.
- Besides ethanol, high-protein cattle food is produced throughout the whole year.
- It generates its own steam and energy needs.
- Needs to be installed in proximity to biomass sources.
- Profitable where corn prices are lower.